The environment


Focused on ecofriendly solutions


At Exeter our customers enjoy the benefits of Ecofriendly constructions sites and buildings, at the same cost or lower than conventional construction.

What is there to gain by taking “sustainable” actions?

  • Reduced carbon footprint inherent throughout the complete process.
  • Reduced energy consumption during construction, by up to 60%
  • Better use of materials in factory setting – means much less debris on the worksite and results in lower waste management cost.
  • Fewer trucks delivering materials to work-site.
  • Less cleanup of debris (some of which may be toxic) on the worksite.
  • Elimination of many thermal bridges including balconies.
  • Insulation factor can be as high as R38 – more efficient buildings require less power to operate HVAC systems.

Founded by the executives of the S.F. Tadros Development Inc.