Owners Representative
"Owner’s representation" for the construction of a commercial and residential building.
In addition to the normal duties of an owner’s representative or project manager, EXETER Construction Inc. will give your organization all the support it needs to complete a feasibility study. Exeter will provide support to your Group in order to hire additional and/or specialized construction professionals needed to fine-tune your project. A typical Exeter project would include things like:
- We create an over view of the work plan and approach to the development of all commercial projects.
- We provide pre-construction assessment and development support up to the final acceptance by all governing authorities of the entire project.
- When required we will participate in a zoning study to obtain the most economical building configuration and the maximum yield from the build-able floor space.
- We also provide an assessment on various construction assemblies or solutions and provide a strategy plan and an execution programs that includes:

- Value engineering
- Support in conceptual design
- Preliminary budgeting
- Energy efficiency research
- Construction safety program (CSST)
- Long lead item identification
- Bid package preparation
- Pre-qualifying of the subcontractors invited to bid
- Evaluation of insurance requirement
- Contract preparation and final negotiation
- Contract legal review
- Lean protection, program.
- Progressive payment approvals policies.
“Teamwork is a critical aspect for the success of any major real estate development.”
Teamwork is a vital aspect for the success of any real estate development. Sadly general contractor often do not always concern themselves with the viability/profitability of the project. The traditional general contractor considers the commercial aspect of the project as someone else’s problem. Another commonly held belief by some general contractors is that their responsibility is limited to building what is on the plans period, regardless whether or not it is right for the owner/developer.

“At Exeter we are sensitive to the feasibility of a project and we never compromise on economic issues.”
At Exeter we strive to maintain the focus on the profitability and the financial performance of the development in order to obtain the maximum yield from the development with a maximum protection for the owners from possible liability.
- Reach a peak efficacy to obtain an economical quality product.
- Consideration of all available alternatives is essential in order to maximize the return on stake holder’s investments. In most choices and decisions, to which we are confronted we will analyze the risk factor.
- Constant communication with all the specialists and professionals to help bring together the best possible solutions at each step of the construction and in turn, we will provide you with reports allowing for the best possible progressive monitoring process and fast decision making.
- Support and help the consultants and the trades at the high level construction planning which will show the big picture, all the way to the portioning of the work. We will verify and issue the proper checklist that will guide the trades in order to avoid delivery delays and post delivery problems.
- Implement a relationship between all the participants that will get everyone on the same page so that we all respond to the project feedback seamlessly.
- Initial project organization begins with a realistic work schedule and it has to be verified regularly and we must ensure a proper implementation of corrective action at all construction progress meetings.
- To protect the interest of the owners, we will ensure the creation of a complete paper trail and photo survey of the construction site to report the activities of the trades and the verifications of all the consultants.
- Provide flexibility guidelines due to a tight timetable, some projects will require a delicate balancing act to shrink the construction process and save time and money. Therefore, in a portion of the project we might be obliged to adopt a “design built” approach to “fast track” a portion of the work: fast tracking compresses the project schedule by running design and construction phases simultaneously.

Cost control utilizing a maximum number of stipulated sum contracts or a guaranteed maximum price given by the trades at the early phase of construction that is based on a good understanding of the architectural intent. In that case
The experienced Exeter teams provide outstanding communication skills vital to the interaction required on a typical construction project. They are committed to stay on budget throughout construction. In order to achieve this the process must be closely managed to anticipate the unexpected and resolve problems instantly
“Time is money – our ‘time to market’ is consistently shorter”
At Exeter not only does our process provide for rapid development, with over 40 years worth of building experience we know how to optimize any project schedule. Here are just a few of the ways in which we can positively impact time to completion.
- During the construction we do not wait for a subcontractor to inform us of his work status and forecast. We are proactive in our approach and evaluate weekly by checking work progress and compare with committed dates.
- We supply a road map to help establish and monitor many of the following process action plans.
- Project boundaries and schedule
- Technical methodology and bidding instructions
- Bid evaluation and contractor evaluation and selection
- Procurement plan and schedule II
- Information distribution
- Change order policy
- Project kick-off meeting
- Regular progress job meeting and instructions structure
- Project control and reporting plan with schedule control
- Work approval and verification program
- CCQ compliance and trade workers verification
- Policy for payment request approval – and progress of work assessment in order to maximize the leverage on available credit.
- Risk identification, quantification and response
- Construction finishing coordination
- Ongoing RBQ certification
- Final inspections, certificates of compliance, as built drawings, instruction manuals and guaranties.
- And professional certifications
- Franchisor approval for operation